2012 Washington Farms
Pumpkin Festival
5671 Hog Mountain Road
Watkinsville, GA 30677
Saturday, October 6th from
10:00 am to 5:00 pm
farm will be open for farm activities, the corn maze, and the pumpkin patch
from 9am to dark. The nighttime corn maze
and night activities will be open from dark to 11pm)
The deadline for applications is September
7th , 2012.
Thank you for your interest in the Washington Farms Very First Pumpkin
Vendor Name:
Contact Person:
Mailing Address:
_____________________________State: __________________ Zip: ___________
Email: __________________________________________________________
Day Phone: (_____)
______________Alternate Phone/Cell: (_____) ________________
Where did you hear
about us? ______________________________________________
Vendor Type (circle
primary type):
Clothing Decorative Painting Fabric Art Glass
Jewelry Metal crafts Photography Pottery & Ceramics
Wood Crafts Wooden Furniture Baked
Goods Candles
and clearly describe Fine Painting Gourds Basketry & Fiber Art Candles
& Soap
Items to be sold (must
be a complete list – use additional sheet if necessary):
List other festivals
in which you have participated:
Pricing (We will let you know by September 14th, if you will
be participating in the festival)
Payment will be due by September 21st if accepted:
of Booths
Single Booth
$ 60
Double Booth
$ 100
Electric (per plug)
$ 15
Space Information:
- Vendors must provide all tents,
tables, electrical cords, trash cans and all other booth apparatus
including equipment needed for loading/unloading. If you need help with any of these
things, just let us know.
- Please bring tent weights.
- All
displays must be in good taste and stay within the confines of the
vendor’s assigned space.
/ Breakdown:
- Vendors must check-in at the front
of the farm at the strawberry shed upon
- Our regular farm hours the day of
the festival will be from 9:00 am – 11:00 pm. The
advertised festival hours are 10:00 am – 5:00 pm, but you are welcome
to set up as early as 7:00 am and keep your booth open as late as 8:00
pm. We just ask that your booth be
open and staffed during the advertised festival hours (10a-5p).
- You are responsible for cleaning up
your booth space.
Rules & Regulations for All Vendors:
- We reserve the
right to determine the location of booths to maximize variety of vendors.
- No generators are
- Please do not
bring your pets with you. This is for the safety of all who attend.
- All items must be
the work of the exhibitor. Only hand-made items of the highest quality
will be accepted. Buy and sell items are strictly prohibited. Only items
listed on application are to be offered for sale.
- Any points not
covered elsewhere in this document are subject to settlement by Festival
- Vendor is
responsible for any harm, bodily damage, or property damage from or to
their equipment, cooking hardware, material, employees or volunteers.
with signed application:
- 3 – 4x6 photos of
your product(s), one of artist at work, one must be a close up of your
product(s) and one of your booth set‐up. Photos cannot be returned.
agree to abide by all of the rules and regulations accompanying this
application. I agree to hold Washington Farms, Inc., its agents, volunteers,
successors and assigns free from any and all claims and liability relating to
any injury, damages, or theft caused to persons or property while said premises
are occupied under this contract. This includes damage, injury or loss of any
type from set up to removal of exhibits.
Vendor Name
Applicant’s Name (please print)
Please MAIL completed and signed application by September
7th, 2012 to Washington Farms, Inc. 5671 Hog Mountain Road, Watkinsville, GA
30677. We will make decisions on applications by September
14th. You will be notified by email if
your booth is accepted to participate in the festival. Payment will be due by September 21st if
If you have questions or need further information, please
email: washingtonfarms@gmail.com or call Lindsay Brown at 706.224.4464.